How to obtain a mortgage for a rental property in France when living abroad ?

When living abroad, you can still obtain a loan to purchase a rental property in France thanks to French Mortgage Expert, our dedicated service for non-resident financing. A French expat based in London shares his experience.. Tell us about your profile I am a 38-year-old living in England and I work in finance as a […]
Nine things to know about the new leasing permit

Around 210,000 private housing units on the market are considered unfit by the public authorities due to the health or safety risks they pose to their inhabitants. The ALUR (Access to housing and urban renewal) law now equips local communities with the means to combat this situation. Below, a closer look at the measure, in […]
The guarantees required by banks for Dummies #2: the surety bond

It is useful to know the different guarantees required by financial institutions before borrowing in order to purchase a property asset. There are three types of guarantee for covering the borrower’s non-payment. They do not all have the same results or the same cost. In a previous post, we talked about the terms and conditions for the […]
Focus on Bordeaux’s real estate market

Bordeaux was long considered a hidden gem, but not anymore. With its listing as a UNESCO world heritage site and as one of Lonely Planet’s “cities to visit” in 2017, Bordeaux has come into the limelight— and so has its real estate market. Bordeaux, the capital of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, has seen a 10% year-on-year […]
The guarantees required by banks for Dummies : mortgage charges & money lender’s preferential claim

In view of the amounts involved and the duration of property loans, financial institutions need to take certain precautions. It can be useful to understand the different guarantees before borrowing. Above and beyond the loan insurance covering the risks relating to the borrower’s state of health and also the personal surety, there are three types […]
Portugal : cheap real estate and tax haven for foreigners

Nicolas Séguy has spent 14 years in Shanghai, Singapore, and Hong Kong, where he was the head of a brand of sports shoes before selling it. In Lisbon he assists foreigners who want to live or invest in Portugal, a country that welcomes them with open arms. As a real estate investment adviser in Portugal, […]
Five things to know about Parisian apartment buildings

New York is a city of brick, but Paris is a city of stone. Resplendent stone-faced buildings built by the Baron Haussmann line its streets, giving Paris its metropolitan landscape. Here are five well-kept secrets about Paris architecture. 1) London was its source of inspiration During a journey to London, Emperor Napoléon III was struck […]
Invest in France from abroad with My expat

Is distance making you hesitant to invest in French real estate? What better way is there to calm your fears than speaking with former expatriates who might have encountered the very same obstacles? My expat was created in 2010 and allows expatriates to invest in France without any need for travel. The site’s associates are […]
Carrying out legal instruments in France when living abroad

Expatriates may need to resolve certain legal issues, with implications in France, but without needing to return there. This may involve taking out a mortgage guarantee on a property located in the country or authorising an endowment. Fortunately, the consular lawyer can remedy this. Who to contact for drawing up a power of attorney while […]
Repatriation of foreign funds must be considered with prudence

French people living abroad may need to repatriate funds to France, for example to buy real estate. On the French side, exchange control was abolished in 1990. However, this type of transaction can be highly regulated depending on the country of residence. This is why these transfers can not be improvised. In order to curb […]